Der Befehl git blame wird verwendet, um den Inhalt einer Datei Zeile für Zeile zu untersuchen und so zu sehen, welche Zeile zuletzt bearbeitet wurde und wer der Autor dieser Änderungen war. Das Ausgabeformat von git blame kann mit verschiedenen Befehlszeilenoptionen verändert werden.


msgstr "" "\"%s\" verkar vara ett git-kommando, men vi kan inte\n" "köra det. " #: builtin/blame.c:38 msgid " are documented in git-rev-list(1)" 

Quick link to open the latest commit on the current line in the most popular online git tools. Install. Open Visual Studio Code; Press Ctrl+Shift+X or ⇧⌘X; Type blame; Click install on Git Blame; Configuration See Git Blame information in the status bar for the currently selected line. - zivyangll/git-blame.vim git blame v2.6.18.. -- foo git blame --since=3.weeks -- foo When revision range specifiers are used to limit the annotation, lines that have not changed since the range boundary (either the commit v2.6.18 or the most recent commit that is more than 3 weeks old in the above example) are blamed for that range boundary commit. Personally I don’t think you need a plug-in for that.

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Install. Open Visual Studio Code; Press Ctrl+Shift+X or ⇧⌘X; Type blame; Click install on Git Blame; Configuration The git blame command is a flexible tool with several options of use. The most important function of the git blame command is the display of author metadata attached to a particular committed line in a file. It is used for exploring the file history and finding out the last author who changed the line. git blame is a very good tracking command for Git. git blame shows the author information of each line of the project’s last modified source file. You can find the author name, author email, the commit hash etc of the last modified source file line by line.

GitGutter and Signify are both plugins whose job is to show diff information in the sign column. GitGutter is tailored for Git, and provides some useful extras, such as undoing hunks. git blame tìm kiếm lịch sử commit để tìm người cuối cùng chỉnh sửa dòng code.

12345678910111213141516171819202122232425. # set vi key binding in copy mode; setw -g mode-keys vi; # spit pane using | and -; bind | split-window -h 

– romainl Nov 29 '17 at 13:04. Vậy có gì không ổn với git blame.

Vi git blame

git-blame - Show what revision and author last modified each line of a file.

Vi git blame

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Vi git blame

In this case the fix accuracy was much smaller in our tests. git blame Ok, back to our software things. The reason I got to think about this was because of git blame. Isn't it kind of strange that they went with a negative word such as blame for the command? Here is the definition for blame: feel or declare that (someone or something) is responsible for a fault or wrong. responsibility for a fault or wrong.
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Git Blame.

Enables blamer on (neo)vim startup. Git blame - Package for Sublime Text 3.
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The git blame command tells you when a line of text in a file was last changed. It also tells you in what commit the line of text was changed and who made the change. The git blame command is most useful when you want to find out about the most recent revisions made to a file.

More or  Find file BlameHistoryPermalink e-post som du har angett finns i våra system, har vi skickat en instruktion på hur du återställer ditt lösenord. När du har lagt till lite mer text ger vi dig en lista på de ord som förekommer oftast i innehållet. Dessa ger en indikation på vad ditt innehåll  VI Editor / Linux Terminal Cheat Sheet #linux Datateknik, Datorprogrammering, Viria, No git blame #geek #comics #humor #funny #strip #bd #humour. BlameHistoryPermalink Vi behandlar endast din e-postadress för att skicka ut nyhetsbrev, du har möjlighet att närsomhelst återkalla ditt  När du har lagt till lite mer text ger vi dig en lista på de ord som förekommer oftast i innehållet.

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git config --global --bool true Limits. git-word-blame doesn't support renames for now and is only tested on files with a linear history. There's also a default maxmum of 2000 commits processed. This can be removed with this command: git config --global word-blame.limit 0. WikiWho does not yet, to my knowledge

När vi två blir en – Tropical 2017Miio • När vi två blir en – Tropical 2017. 3:100:30.

output. A file is selected from the git repository and its view of blame data is drawn vi. List of Figures vii. Acknowledgements viii. Dedication ix. 1 Introduction. 1.

Det är tillåtet att använda andra miljöer än Eclipse också, men vi kan inte Detta git-repositorium innehåller testkod för att se att din installation  Kodsnack 331 - Så gjorde vi inte för tio år sedan, med Daniel Stenberg is a bug; Git blame always returns your own name; The internal deadline is tomorrow  if you want to clone without large files – just their pointers # prepend your git 1994 ##inen Norrköping ledande närings Mor VI ##anskt beröm temper spets  Vi tittar på: ▷ Mestadels 2 git config −−global user . email ankan@ludd . ltu . se blame Visa vem som sist petade på en rad.

69.8k 46 46 gold badges 186 186 silver badges git-blame.vim by ziv yangll. 114. 64. See Git Blame information in the status bar for the currently selected line. twiggy by Andrew Haust. 258. 45.